Analysis of the Differences between Linear Guideway and Roller Guideway ManufacturersA guide rail is a device or device that can withstand fixed guiding movement and reduce its friction. In typical linear reciprocating motion scenarios, such as guiding, fixing mechanical components, specialized equipment, instruments, etc., guide rails can be applied. Rolling guide rails have a higher rated load than linear bearings and can withstand a certain amount of torque, enabling high-precision linear motion under high load conditions. The common guide rails are mainly divided into two types: linear guide rails and roller guide rails. Compared to linear guides, roller guides have the characteristics of safety, stability, and adaptability to harsh environments. The linear guide rail manufacturer has compiled the following differences, friends, come and take a look! The specific differences are as follows: 1. The wear of the roller guide rail is relatively small, which can greatly improve the service life of the guide rail and equipment. If lubricating grease is not timely supplied between the moving metal materials, more serious wear problems will occur, which will affect the use. So the lubrication effect is also one of the factors that consider the quality of the guide rail system. Compared to linear guides, roller guides have a smaller contact area and are subject to rolling friction. Therefore, only a small amount of lubricating oil is needed to meet the usage requirements. Under normal circumstances, the lubrication oil supply cycle for rolling guides is one month, and the operating length is about 100km. 2. Roller guides are suitable for high-speed motion because compared to linear guides, roller guides are less prone to generating frictional heat, resulting in very small thermal deformation, which is more than 10 times the maximum operating speed of linear guides. 3. In terms of safety, roller guides are higher than linear guides. 4. The roller guide rail runs more smoothly than the linear guide rail. 5. The roller guide rail can adapt to harsh environments. The development of guide rails is also the process of linear motion systems, and the first industrial guide rail to appear was sliding guidance. But due to its high frictional resistance, gaps in motion, low lifespan, and high usage of lubricating oil, it was quickly eliminated. Subsequently, a roller guide system was derived, which has a safer and smoother motion system and can also adapt to harsh environments. 我公司的产品大批量应用于机械、电子、医疗、交通等行业传动定位方面,产品以过硬的品质赢得客户的好评。公司一直以来倡导以“服务为本,用户至上”的市场意识,“诚实守信、一诺千金”的经营理念,坚持“团队协作,勤奋务实”的工作作风,努力在未来时间里有更出色的表现,更高效的服务来满足于行业需求! |